
Tucano Coffee in Saint Petersburg

This week, during 2 days, we’ve visited the cultural capital of Russia – Saint Petersburg. A truly beautiful and rich city, not only from the material point of view, but also cultural and spiritual.

The main purpose of our journey was to explore some potential spaces for a Tucano Coffee place. We intend to open our first coffee shop in Petersburg, our first Tucano place in Russia. At the moment, we have a partner, Sergey, with whom we’ll collaborate 50/50. We did set up an enterprise and now, as you know, we are looking for a good place.

We have a strong interest in Nevsky boulevard and it’s arteries, the Vasileostrovsky and Petrogradsky zone. Dear readers, if you have any suggestions on choosing a suitable location, please write them in the comments 😉

Also, we have visited our potential competitors. The city is very rich in places with ideas and original concepts. We’ve really enjoyed the coffee quality and the experience offered by Double B. But among all the coffee shops, the closest to our soul was Surf Coffee. kirill
Barista Kiril served us with Raf Coffee with salted caramel and Ginger Coffee.

While we were enjoying our drinks, he told us many interesting facts about coffee culture they promote. Their mission is to create an atmosphere of comfort with high quality products and friendly attitude. From Kiril’s words, people come here not for the coffee, but to spend some good time with their friends.

Visiting several places, we were pleased to notice only positive reactions from all the barista we had spoken to, especially when we were telling them that we represent a coffee shop and want to open a coffee place close to them. They even encouraged us to join the movement of promoting the specialty coffee culture.

Here is the plan: by the end of January we intend to choose a perfect place, so that in April-May we manage to open. If you read this article and want to make part of our Saint Petersburg’s team, feel free to write us here.

After Saint Petersburg we’ve visited Moscow. Here we had a meeting with two potential partners, one for Moscow and one for Krasnodar. We choose our partners very carefully.
It is important that our partners resonate with our values: wow, open, green, simple. Tucano Coffee isn’t a franchise for partners that have only one purpose: money making. But it’s for partners that seek to realize themselves, that want to make a dream come true and open a family business, keeping an amazing atmosphere for guests.

However, we’ve decided to open our first coffee shop in Saint Petersburg, and to do it on the highest level. Only after that, we will look forward to opening places in other Russian cities, together with our Partners. The Tucano Coffee place from Petersburg will be an example for this new market that we stepped in, the atmosphere and quality standards being cloned in further cities.

See you in May, in our new Tucano coffee shop 😉

Author: Andrei Haret

  1. Добрый день!
    Я бы хотела обсудить с Вами помещение на Невском проспекте подходящее для кофейни. С кем можно связаться по данному вопросу?

    С уважением,

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