Unbelievable how beautiful all producing coffee countries are. It is enough to take a look at some gorgeous pictures of Ecuador, New Zeeland or Brazil to forever fall in love with these beauty treasures. Of course, everyone would like to visit all of them. The exotic for us culture, the traditions and landscapes attract us very much, but the most enjoyable part of traveling is the adventure we experience.
It was all about traveling and adventure the last time we have met. This time the guest of Tucano Coffee Talks was Gennady Shatov, the first moldovan who made a tour around the world on his motorcycle. We didn’t even notice how 2 hours have passed while we were listening to Gennady’s exciting and captivating stories. Though, he couldn’t physically tell us about all the adventures he had during the tour, he kindly explained what were the difficulties of his trip, what was the technical aspect of the journey but also, he told us a lot about his adventures. To better understand the greatness of his world tour, Gennady prepared you some facts:
Total mileage – 100 305 km,
Travel time – 481 days;
Average speed – 360 km per day;
Maximum sleepless mileage – 2651 km (33 hours)
Number of countries – 37;
Money – $ 81,067;
Motorcycle falls – 15-18 (I did not count exactly);
Friendships made – 5;
Pictures taken – 35,600;
Emotions – an entire wagon and a dray;
Experience – a whole sea;
Drive – a full ocean.
We invite you to discover the thrilling adventures, well seasoned and always with a morality, from which you can learn a lot. Because Gennady Shatov is a very good story teller, with a huge experience. And let’s face it, you need to be such brave and you shall love so much travelling, if you decided to sell your apartment and leave the country conquering the world. In this video summary you will found out what was the most dangerous thing he experienced, when Gennady’s motorcycle broke and even fell at one point, on his leg, breaking it. You can also find out what is the motivation of his trips and how did he make 3000 dollars, offering some bike clubs a very dangerous favor. Enjoy the video!