
Honey Bee Raf

If you let your memory quickly travel back to the biology classes in school, you will inevitably be reminded of the process of pollination. By ensuring the reproduction of flowering plants, this mechanism ensures you, us and all the other foodies of the world with healthy products. 

Now if you had to associate the process of pollination with an insect – which one would it “bee”? 

Caught the hint? This question may have woken up the image of a bee in your mind. No wonder, given the fact that bees are the most important pollinators, with other 2000 wild species in the book. 

The friendship between farmers and beekeepers is also well kept by the bees themselves. They increase the productivity of planted crops. Farmers, thus, respect and appreciate the efforts of beekeepers. A friendship and a balance in the terrestrial ecosystem is maintained by black and yellow hard-working creatures. 

However, bees’ survival is greatly imperilled by climate change and the massive use of insecticides, herbicides and pesticides. If we, the people of this Earth, do not act to prevent this ecological catastrophe and bees were to disappear, experts predict that the human species would have a maximum of 5 years left to exist. 

In the Republic of Moldova alone, about 25% of the bee population is lost every year. At fault is no one other than the widespread use of pesticides in treating agricultural crops. While in the European Union pesticide use has been recently restricted, the public says this action may constitute “too little too late”. 

At Tucano Coffee, we decided to publicly address the issue of pollination and bee extinction. And our intention took the form of a new promotional product – Honeybee Raf. The coffee drink spoiled in buckwheat honey, milk and sprinkled with pollen will do much more than warm you up on autumnal nights – it will directly contribute to a better world for bees and ourselves. 

A percentage of the Honeybee Raf sale proceeds will be donated to our trusted collaborators from “Plantăm fapte bune” and “Million Trees”. The organisations will plant melliferous trees in Romania and Moldova, and ensure these are not treated with pesticides. 

It’s a small step. But it’s one step further to a better world. We thank you for being our guest and on this occasion – our “accomplice” on this important mission.

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