How many times have you felt uncomfortable taking out your laptop in a coffee shop? With the feeling that all eyes are on you and that you’re taking up precious space?
Yes, not a pleasant feeling.
We must, however, admit that it is weird to work from a coffee shop. After all, what person can be productive when there’s noise all around, words bustling, clinking plates and an espresso machine that seems to be running a coffee-making marathon?!
Well, there is an explanation for this phenomenon – and it’s called the “coffeehouse effect.” Sociologists and neuro-psychologists have determined that working in a cafe can increase productivity – so don’t blame that extra shot of espresso!
First and foremost, background noise in a cafe can slightly distract us from the task at hand. However, this small distraction tends to trigger abstract thinking, which in turn helps us generate ideas. Creative ones.
Another important factor related to the “coffeehouse effect” is the fact that productivity is “contagious”. Coffee shops that welcome freelancers (hello, we’re called Tucano Coffee) often have a motivating ambiance. Just like you’re more likely to workout in a gym and sunbathe on a beach, you’re more likely to focus and be productive when those around you do the same. The entourage predisposes us to certain actions, and in this case – it gets us working! Furthermore, our brain is extremely competitive, meaning that it’ll try to outperform anyone in the coffee shop that’s more concentrated, types faster or even has a better posture.
Many well-known personalities worked in the cafes, including Pablo Picasso, Simon de Beauvoir and JK Rowling.
At Tucano, we know how working from a coffee shop can improve performance. Thus, we have organised our spaces in a way that’s welcoming to freelancers, students and those looking to replace routine with caffeine.
We love to see you all busy and creative – we might even ask you to take a picture! If you feel the need, the barista can come and recite motivational quotes every hour.
But jokes aside, you’re always welcome to work from Tucano. With or without a laptop. With pets. Or with a book. And even if you forget them at the coffee shop, we’ll keep them safe until you return.
See the nearest caffeine station you can work from –